Monday, May 6, 2013

Long Time No Post

It's been awhile. We've moved into our new apartment in Idaho Falls for Clinton's internship. Clinton's applied for graduation and will be officially graduated in July. HOORAY!!! Rebecca's a mere 2 weeks away from Nursery. YES!!! And in this new apartment, I have a dishwasher and our own washer and dryer (we haven't lived in an apartment with a dishwasher and washer and dryer since we've been married). SAWEET!!!

Rebecca's decided that the flour bucket is a fun thing to play in. Needless to say, we now fully attach the lid to the bucket.

Luckily, she didn't tip over the entire bucket!
We had some friends over for dinner a week ago Sunday and one couple has the cutest 3 month old baby girl. Rebecca thought that the infant carseat might be a fun blast from the past for her. We were all just talking, I looked over and Becca had climbed into the carseat and was pulling the blanket onto her lap. It was super cute!

Friday, March 29, 2013

For My Tashya

My Dearest Tashya,

This blog post is just for you.

With Love,

 I call this the Alien:

 The 'do' that we normally do:

The best place to play:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Slideshow

I didn't get our Christmas cards done in time to send out to everyone. So here's a virtual one instead! Enjoy!
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Another digital slideshow by Smilebox

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Playing with Daddy

*Warning: Nothing super exciting happens. I just think it's cute and hilarious.
**Thanks Mom and Dad for the video camera! We love it!

First Ponytail...Sort of

Rebecca's hair is getting longer. Slowly. It's very blonde and what is there is a little hard see. So far, her hair hasn't been nearly long enough to attempt a ponytail. But yesterday as she was sitting on my lap, I started to play with her hair and I noticed that I could fit an elastic around this one section of hair.

The elastic fit and stayed in place. But I think I'll wait until her hair gets a little longer in front before I attempt another ponytail. Plus Clinton has forbade me from ever doing the "Alfalfa" again. I don't blame him. It looks a little goofy.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Day in the Life

Clinton's in the middle of potato harvest.
This is what he does all day. He runs the piler that stacks the potatoes.

I chase a little monkey (also known as Rebecca) around all day. She's on the verge of walking but crawls everywhere! And she's fast too! This is what the two of us do:

The mornings and evenings have turned freezing around these parts so we dress in layers. The shoes keep the socks on since she likes to pull her socks off and chew on them. Who cares if we match? Not us!

We do lots of walking with the Lightening McQueen car. She's finally figured out how to steer so she can get where she wants to go and not just run into the wall and get stuck.

Next, she'll find the kitty and try to play with him. She'll chase that poor cat everywhere. She learned how to climb the stairs so she could chase the cat. He figured out that she couldn't climb the stairs to get him so he'd sit 4 or 5 stairs up and just stare at her with a look that said, "Haha! Sucker! You can get me. Neener neener neener!" Needless to say, he was surprised the day he opened his eyes and saw Becca right in his face.

She'll stand on her own.

Then she'll help Grandma Harper with the dishes.

And get soap beards...

From doing this. Who knew that soap could taste so good?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Just a Snapshot

Sorry it's been so long folks. Until I can get some pictures for a post I have in mind, here's a snapshot of the past month and a half.


Swimming with Cousin Brinley

I can splash BIG!

So you're telling me that if I lean on the side of the pool, the water comes out?

Hey Mommy. I like to be outside!

Look! I can stand one handed!

Haha! I have stolen the arrow.

And now I'm going to eat it!

Playing with Cousin Payton (He's 3 months younger than Becca and they're the same size. I have one skinny minnie of a daughter!)

I have my two bottom teeth! Wanna see?